Quiz Yourself

What Tree Are You Quiz

What Tree Are You?

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Special thanks to Leah Kim for this quiz.


Where do you want to go travel?

What is your favorite scent?

How do you describe yourself?

Which place makes you most happy?

What environmental issue do you care about most?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite season?

What Tree Are You?

You got the Mangrove!

Mangroves are a tropical species of tree found only in tropical and subtropical latitudes near the equator. Mangroves are characterized by having tangled, reddish, aerial roots that originate from the trunk and branches. These roots show their strength and vitality. The roots also provide a habitat for the many marine plants and animals surrounding them. Mangroves also help prevent erosion and protect the land from waves and storms.

These trees may eventually vanish from the world due to deforestation and climate change. You can help preserve forests and the life that trees support by donating to The Canopy Project.

You got the Baobab!

The baobab tree is widely distributed in belts across Africa, as well as Madagascar, India, Ceylon, and Australia. Nicknamed the "tree of life," the baobab tree symbolizes the positivity of life and abundant community. Baobabs help keep soil conditions humid, promote nutrient recycling, and prevent soil erosion. Also they are an important source of food, water, and shelter for various plants and animals. A baobab tree can store more than 20,000 gallons of water.

These trees may eventually vanish from the world due to deforestation and climate change. You can help preserve forests and the life that trees support by donating to The Canopy Project.

You got the Pine!

Pine trees, popular as Christmas trees, can grow in almost any climate (even extreme ones!). They are evergreen and this characteristic often symbolizes wisdom as well. Pine trees provide habitat for a wide variety of animals. Their cones are a good source of food for animals and birds. Pine trees are also used as materials in the construction and paper-products industries, making them one of the most heavily timbered trees.

These trees may eventually vanish from the world due to deforestation and climate change. You can help preserve forests and the life that trees support by donating to The Canopy Project.

You got the Ginkgo!

Ginkgo originated in south-central and southeast China and is now known as a pest-free tree in many countries around the world. Ginkgo is widely planted as a city plant because it is resistant to pollutants, fungicides, insects, disease, bacteria, droughts, and smog. Despite being able to grow in many parts of the world, it is listed as an endangered species on the IUCN Red List. It's characterized by leaves that turn yellow in the fall, and its fruit has long been used as a medicine in China.

These trees may eventually vanish from the world due to deforestation and climate change. You can help preserve forests and the life that trees support by donating to The Canopy Project.

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