Artists for the Earth
Street art campaign Global Halt launches on Earth Day
April 23, 2020
As the coronavirus pandemic forced Earth Day online for its 50th anniversary, street artists around the world took to social media to share their work.
Earth Day Global Halt, a street art campaign that kicked off on Earth Day, showcases hundreds of climate-themed pieces from around the world. The campaign connected artists using the hashtag #2020halt and encouraged them to envision our future as a warming planet.
“[The goal of Global Halt] is to get street artists, graffiti artists, muralists around the world to come together for one united message,” said Meg Zany, a Los Angeles-based street artist who coordinated the project.
Credit: @shehzilm Credit: @slacsatu Credit: @larsdianco Credit: @fork_imre Credit: @mf_ivan
That message is to demand change and command a brighter future.
Over the last several weeks, hundreds of street artists signed on to contribute to Global Halt. Though coronavirus upended the initial plans of staging outdoor, public works, artists had more time to prepare their pieces from the safety of their homes.
“We are a recurring disaster,” read one piece by Albert Diaz (@albert_diaz1).
“Where did all the blue skies go?” read another, by artist WRDSMTH (@wrdsmth)
Credit: @akajimmyc Credit: @angurria Credit: @nilesh_artist Credit: @trustyourstrugglecollective
The overwhelming message from pieces on Wednesday was that of global change. The artwork tackled topics like divestment, activism and resilience. Many were also connected by themes of hope.
“With our current situation, people are having a hard time seeing that we do have a future,” said Zany. “This project is giving a lot of people hope. It’s giving [artists] a desire to shape what they want their future to look like.”
Though much of the street art is located in places currently seldom traveled, once bans are lifted, this artwork will be permanent fixtures in many communities. And that can have a lasting effect, inspiring other people to create their own messages.
Credit: @daas Credit: @antz_rscls Credit: @sheep.chen Credit: @bleepsgr Credit: @upfest
“Once people start seeing it, they’ll want to get creative,” said Zany. “I have a feeling that this isn’t just going to be one day, I have a feeling it will snowball.”
Art is a dynamic way of reaching people – it can inspire change, relieve stress and make the daunting subject of climate change more personal. Join the global movement by registering as an Artist for the Earth.
Photo credit for artwork at top: WRDSMTH, @wrdsmth on Instagram.