Quiz Yourself

Plastic Pollution Quiz

Plastic Pollution Quiz

How much do you know about the threats that our planet faces from plastic pollution?

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What happens to plastic waste when left in the environment?

Correct! Wrong!

Plastic breaks down into tiny fragments known as microplastics or nanoplastics. Because plastic is not biodegradable, it does not decompose fully but instead continues to break into increasingly smaller pieces over time.

Why is plastic dangerous for marine life?

Correct! Wrong!

Many marine creatures are harmed by plastic. They undergo ingestion, suffocation and entanglement. Marine creatures such as seabirds, whales, fish and turtles mistake plastic for food and sometimes die because of this error. Plastic debris can carry pathogens and trigger an infection.

How many million tons of plastic are dumped in our oceans every year?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the UNEP, at least 11 million tons of plastic are dumped into our oceans each year. That’s the equivalent of dumping one garbage truck full of plastic into the ocean every minute. If nothing is done, this number could rise to two garbage trucks a minute by 2030 and four per minute by 2050!

True or False: There are many alternatives to single use plastic products.

Correct! Wrong!

There are some substitutes for fossil fuel-based plastics that we can use. From plastic to plastic from processed corn, various plastic replacements already exist or are being invented. There are several substitutes for fossil fuel-based plastics such as bioplastics made from renewable materials like corn and sugarcane.

How many marine species are harmed by plastic pollution?

Correct! Wrong!

Compiled reports recorded from around the world found evidence of more than 800 species becoming entangled or swallowing plastic debris. According to the UN it has increased from 663 to 817 since 2012. That’s a 23% increase!

What percent of its plastic does the U.S. recycle?

Correct! Wrong!

Only about 5 percent of 51 million tons of U.S. plastic waste was recycled in 2021.

Approximately, Americans use about how many plastic drinking straws per day?

Correct! Wrong!

On average, Americans use 1.6 plastic drinking straws every day, totaling to 500 million per day. That’s enough to fill up 125 school buses a day, or 45,625 school buses a year! Drinking straws may not seem like a lot of plastic but they add up quickly. Instead of getting plastic straws at restaurants or cafes, you can bring your own reusable straw or simply go straw free.

What percentage of global oil consumption does plastic production account for?

Correct! Wrong!

Approximately 12% of the world's oil consumption is used for petrochemicals, and this share is expected to rise as demand for plastics, fertilizers, and other products increases. This is a proportionally significant amount of oil, and were it to increase, could become one of the leading industries in terms of oil consumption.

On average, how long is a plastic bag used by a person before being thrown away?

Plastic bags
Correct! Wrong!

According to the UN Environment Programme, 15 minutes is the average “service time” of a plastic bag before it is thrown away. Globally, 500 billion plastic bags are used annually.

By what year do scientists predict plastic will outweigh fish in the ocean, pound for pound?

Correct! Wrong!

A report done by the World Economic Forum found that there are over 150 million tonnes of plastic in the oceans today. That is about 1 tonne of plastic for every 3 tonnes of fish. Keeping up a business-as-usual trend will have plastic outweighing fish in the ocean by 2050.

Plastic Pollution Quiz
Plastic Novice

You are a plastic novice! You seem interested in learning more about how to reduce plastic waste and protect our marine wildlife. You probably love the ocean and want to help make a difference in protecting it. Keep working hard and soon you will become a plastic professional!
Plastic Proficient

Good job! You are plastic proficient! Understanding how plastic can affect our environment and the oceans is important. You seem to know about how we can keep our earth clean. With some more learning, you are on your way to being a plastic professional!
Plastic Professional

Wow! You are a plastic professional! You know your stuff about the ocean and the best ways to keep them clean of plastic! You probably are big on composting and understand everything about recycling. Keep up the good work!

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