Climate Education NDCs
On the urgent need for climate education – Marina Silva, Brazilian Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
At EARTHDAY.ORG, we recognize the critical role education plays in empowering communities to tackle the climate crisis. To support global efforts for climate action, we’ve developed the Climate Education NDCs Tracker below. It is a comprehensive tool to monitor the inclusion of climate education in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted by countries under the Paris Agreement.
This tracker provides an up-to-date overview of how countries prioritize climate education in their NDCs. It evaluates the extent and quality of education-related commitments, such as incorporating climate education into formal curricula, supporting teacher training, engaging local communities, and fostering youth leadership.
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 1 –
Explicitly mentions climate education and integrating it into the curriculum for both formal and non-formal educational settings.
Country | Category | Link | Quick Facts | What NDC is this? (First, second, updated) |
Cambodia | Category 1 | | -Cambodia's language regarding climate education is very strong, making it clear that they are committed to furthering climate education policy. -General environmental awareness is highlighted throughout the NDC, with specific sections encouraging increased youth involvement in climate matters. -Four Climate education goals are included as adaptation actions themselves, AND climate education is mentioned as a co-benefit for other adaptation actions. -Cambodia's NDC Includes costs for adaptation actions, helping streamline funding processes. | Updated(1st) |
Colombia | Category 1 | | -Education, training, and awareness is one of Colombia's five means of implementing their NDC, indicating that education is at the forefront of the climate crisis. -Within education, training, and awareness, numerous specific policies are given, including the inclusion of climate education into formal and non-formal education. -In formal education, Colombia's NDC specifies that all grade levels - Pre K through University - should include climate education -The NDC acknowledges that climate change education and awareness raising are essential elements to shift populations views on climate change. | Updated(1st) |
Costa Rica | Category 1 | | -Climate education is included in the Climate Empowerment section of Costa Rica's NDC, alongside other awareness-raising tools. -The Climate Empowerment section includes revision of primary and secondary school curricula to include climate change, the green economy, and the just transition. -The language on climate education is strong, but limited to just one main section. The section itself could also be further developed by transitioning from general statements to making specific commitments. | Updated(1st) |
Dominican Republic | Category 1 | | -Climate education is included under the Climate Empowerment section, one of the Dominican Republic's' 7 main NDC implementation components. -This Climate Empowerment section includes the integration of interdisciplinary climate education in all grade levels of the formal education system. Integration of climate education is also to be included in non-formal settings. -Beyond this, education is also included in another main implementation component: climate governance. However, here it is mentioned only in higher education. -The Dominican Republic has clear plans for the integration of climate education is outlined by their NDC, showing a strong commitment. | Updated(1st) |
Myanmar | Category 1 | | -Myanmar's NDC emphasizes the need for investments in education to built a climate-responsive society. -Highlights the need for international support in primary, secondary, and higher education capacity building. -Increased professional and teacher training are recommended to help integrate sustainability, low-carbon development, and other climate topics into formal education curricula at all levels. -Multi-stakeholder partnerships are encouraged to help build capacity to create an education system that creates a climate-responsive society. -Myanmar's NDC clearly prioritizes climate education in formal settings and overall awareness-raising to build a climate literate society. | Updated(1st) |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Category 1 | | -The UK has developed a Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy for the education system. -A new climate science course for 16- to 18-year-olds is being implemented. -In April 2022, the Department for Education published its Strategy for -Sustainability and Climate Change in Education and Children's Services. -A new GCSE in Natural History is set to launch by 2025. | Updated(2nd) |
Category 2 –
Mentions climate education and has programs in non-formal educational settings but no mention of integration into the curriculum
Country | Category | Link | Quick Facts | What NDC is this? (First, second, updated) |
Andorra | Category 2 | | -Andorra's NDC emphasizes general and youth awareness of climate change. -Integration of climate change topics into different grade levels and subjects is mentioned briefly. -In 2022, Andorra approved the Andorran Environmental Education Strategy for Sustainability (EAEAS), which further covers how education will be mobilized as a tool to prepare youth to face climate challenges. | Updated(2nd) |
Angola | Category 2 | | -Climate education in Angola focuses on capacity building. -Aims to train public service and ministry officers on climate change. -Emphasizes training teachers and educators in climate change. | Updated(1st) |
Antigua and Barbuda | Category 2 | | -The UNFCCC Focal Point is developing a Youth Engagement Strategy and Action Plan. -The plan aligns with Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) commitments. -Aims to involve children and youth, including the most vulnerable, in climate action. | Updated(1st) |
Brunei Darussalam | Category 2 | | -Climate education is referenced, but not within formal school curricula. -Programs are delivered through workshops and forums. -Aim: Build a disaster-resilient community by raising awareness and public preparedness for climate-induced disasters. | 1st |
Cabo Verde | Category 2 | | -The NDC does not explicitly prioritize climate education. -Opportunity to advocate for integrating climate education within community resilience efforts. -Resilient communities: Inform populations about risks, and enhance their ability to anticipate, prevent, and recover from disasters. | Updated(1st) |
Cameroon | Category 2 | | -Cameroon includes climate education and training programs as an adaptation action to be undertaken by all ecological agro zones (ZAE). This action doesn't specify in what settings (formal or non-formal) climate education will be integrated. -The NDC includes the cost of implementing adaptation actions, including climate education and training programs. -Plans to work with Ministry of Higher Education to develop climate change related curricula is included in the NDC. | Updated(1st) |
Central African Republic | Category 2 | | -By 2025, basic notions of climate change will be integrated into primary and secondary school curricula. -Supporting mechanisms of curricula integration include capacity building for teacher training and testing of content. | Updated(1st) |
Chad | Category 2 | | -The NDC highlights how education is both directly impacted by climate change and also crucial to achieving NDC goals. -Within the education sector, the NDC lists several adaptation actions: promotion of environmental clubs in schools, integrating climate adaptation into education curricula and training programs, popularizing climate change-related books and guides, and adapting school calendars to climate change. | Updated(1st) |
China | Category 2 | | -Some climate change components have been integrated into formal education through inclusion in curricula, and in non-formal education through distribution of media and other means. -Climate training programs have been developed for officials and sector-specific roles such as the carbon market. -Green and low carbon development is to be included in the national education system. -Some regions have taken further steps: the Macao SAR government already requires climate change to be included in curricula at all levels, and provides guides to schools for integration. | Updated(1st) |
Dominica | Category 2 | | -A draft framework was created to integrate the SDGs into primary and secondary education curricula. -The Central Statistics Office has adopted Caribbean-specific SDGs, focusing on regionally relevant indicators. -A database is being developed to track these indicators, including definitions, rationales, stakeholders, progress levels, and reporting methods. | Updated(1st) |
Ecuador | Category 2 | | -Design and promotion of programs focused on training, education, awareness, and change management related to climate. -Programs will consider climate issues while incorporating official languages and fostering intercultural relationships. | 1st |
Egypt | Category 2 | | -The NDC directly mentions integrating climate change content into school and university curricula. -It calls for increased investments in climate projects through innovative partnerships between government, private sector, development organizations, financial institutions, NGOs, and research/educational institutions. -Encourages youth participation in the green transition via skills training, research, innovation, and incentives. | Updated(1st) |
Eritrea | Category 2 | | -The NDC includes the integration of climate related topics into formal education at all levels. | 1st |
Gambia | Category 2 | | -Efforts to expand access to secondary, higher, and tertiary education with a focus on climate change. -A new Basic Education curriculum has been developed, integrating environmental issues, including climate change. -Training of trainers and teachers for the new curriculum has already begun. -Plans to fully integrate climate change into all education curricula in The Gambia, though some gaps remain. | 2nd |
Jordan | Category 2 | | -Raising awareness and engaging the community, children, and youth through both formal and informal education on climate change, the environment, and sustainable development. -Developing a unified entry-level curriculum that includes climate change and environmental themes, with contextualized materials for Jordan to be shared via: Social media, Informal settlements, Schools, Youth centers, and innovation incubators. | Updated(1st) |
Kazakhstan | Category 2 | | - Climate awareness and environmental literacy are discussed in detail in the NDC, with specific policies being cited. -Specific climate education isn't mentioned as much as general environmental education. -The integration of environmental aspects into formal education is stated as a main task in the education sector, as are measures to to improve environmental culture and respect for the environment. | Updated(1st) |
Kiribati | Category 2 | | -The NDC emphasizes public education on climate-related disaster risk management. -References Key National Adaptation Priorities (KNAPs) from the National Adaptation Plan. -KNAP - Capacity Building and Education #1: Use climate education materials in curriculum content. -KNAP - Capacity Building and Education #2: Expand capacity-building programs in formal and informal education settings. | Updated(1st) |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | Category 2 | | -Climate change awareness is given its own section in the NDC, but doesn't specify any plans for integrating climate education into formal settings. -Supplemental planning documents which do include climate education integration in formal settings are referenced, including the National Strategy on Climate Change Toward 2030. | Updated(1st) |
Malawi | Category 2 | | -Capacity building, education, and training and awareness is one of Malawi's six priority areas for climate change intervention as mentioned in their NDC. -There is no explicit mention of including climate education in formal systems, but general climate education is a priority through trainings, knowledge management, and ongoing communication. | Updated(1st) |
Nauru | Category 2 | | -Nauru's NDC contains two commitments within the education sector. One is a general analysis of the education system to address systemic challenges such as truancy and illiteracy. The other is to include climate content in primary school curricula. -Integration of climate change into primary school curricula is being done in collaboration with the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ). -Other public education campaigns are being conducted by the government to encourage energy efficient behavior | Updated(1st) |
Nepal | Category 2 | | -Climate education is mentioned in only one are of the NDC, but includes specific commitments and a timeline of integration. -By 2025, 2,000 climate change adaptation resource persons will be mobilized, and climate change education will be included in all secondary schools. -Nepal's National Adaptation Plan (NAP) further discusses how they are committed to including climate education in 90% of schools | 2nd |
Pakistan | Category 2 | | -Climate change will be included in the curriculum of all secondary schools by 2030. -Specialized climate courses will be offered in colleges and universities. | Updated(1st) |
Republic of Moldova | Category 2 | | -Proposes climate education training programs across relevant sectors. -Plans to integrate climate considerations into education curricula, with attention to gender aspects. -Includes cost estimates for implementing climate education policies. | Updated(1st) |
Saint Lucia | Category 2 | | -The NDC discusses how increasing overall education accessibility will allow for greater access to formal and informal education on climate change. -Saint Lucia's National Adaptation Plan (NAP) further explores specific education projects, including increasing youth climate change awareness. | Updated(1st) |
Seychelles | Category 2 | | -Content related to marine education and the blue economy is to be added to formal education curricula in the Seychelles. -Climate content is also planned to be added in post-secondary institutions. | Updated(1st) |
South Sudan | Category 2 | | -Most discussion of climate education revolves around awareness raising for issues concerning the general public in specific sectors. -Additionally, South Sudan faces challenges surrounding access to education, which takes precedent in the NDC before any commitments to specific climate education. -The NDC does mention the importance of integrating climate change and environmental topics into school curricula, but does not specify at what levels. | 2nd |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | Category 2 | | -Public education and awareness building are stated as a priority of St. Vincent and the Grenadines climate plan. -Part of the public education program includes developing a national curriculum for schools including climate change content and disaster risk reduction. The plan also includes a 3 year long public education program aimed at building community climate resilience. -Technical training is also stated as an action to achieve plan goals. | 1st |
Uganda | Category 2 | | -Education was added as a priority sector in the updated version of Uganda's NDC. -Adaptation actions in Uganda's education sector include promoting education and training on climate change, including indigenous knowledge. Specifically, integrating climate education into the national curricula at all levels is stated as a priority action. A basic timeline for when this should be achieved is also included. -Another priority adaptation action is to improve general education and awareness on climate change. Specific plans for this aren't mentioned in the NDC, but this action recognizes the need to address gender inequalities when it comes to climate literacy. -Uganda's National Climate Change Learning Strategy and Action Plan, mentioned in the NDC, includes more content related to climate education. | Updated(1st) |
United Arab Emirates | Category 2 | | -The UAE has partnered with organizations like the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to develop integration of renewable energy systems and sustainable development in their education system. The NDC also states that the partnership will help develop a curricular framework to offer students climate knowledge. -In collaboration with UNICEF, the UAE will train education officials on climate-related content. | Updated(2nd) |
Uruguay | Category 2 | | -Uruguay’s NDC pledges to integrate climate education into formal education at all grade levels by 2030. -By 2030, a national platform will be created to provide training and educational resources for climate education. -The NDC also highlights climate education in informal settings, including public sector trainings, workshops, and competitions. | 2nd |
Vatican City | Category 2 | | -Education in the Vatican city is limited to post-secondary institutions, so there isn't much mention of climate education. -The concept of "ecology education" and general community awareness of climate change is still mentioned throughout the NDC. | 1st |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | Category 2 | | -Venezuela's NDC includes climate education in both formal and non-formal settings, referencing how certain laws support this action. -Climate education is defined in the NDC - in reference to a previously passed Venezuelan law - which highlights how it is a tool to help make long-term sustainable choices that will benefit the nation through behavioral change. -The importance of climate education in universities is given its own section | Updated(1st) |
Viet Nam | Category 2 | | -Vietnam's NDC expresses the intent to integrate climate change information and response into curriculum at all levels of education. -No specific plans or policies to implement climate change education are included in the NDC. | Updated(1st) |
Zambia | Category 2 | | -Capacity building is included as a priority in Zambia's NDC, but revolves around the general public and not youth. Climate education in formal settings is not mentioned. -Zambia put in place a plan helping include youth in the development agenda of the country in relation to climate change. -A National Climate Change Learning Strategy was developed to build capacity in institutions, industries, and for individuals. Education is mentioned as a relevant sector. | Updated(1st) |
Argentina | Category 2 |ón%20Nacional.pdf | -The NDC references legislative efforts to incorporate environmental education into formal and non-formal education settings. -Recognizes the importance of sustainable culture and how environmental education can serve to progress that. -Teacher training and increased youth roles in planning processes are also mentioned in relation to environmental education. -Argentina's NDC uses the term "environmental education" as opposed to "climate education", taking a more broad stance. | Updated(2nd) |
El Salvador | Category 2 | | -Includes the review of curriculum to include climate change in some areas, particularly relating to agriculture and industry. Climate education at the technical level is also encouraged. -Generally, climate education is mentioned as a tool to grow public awareness on climate change and to support informed decision-making. Its importance is definitely highlighted, although detailed plans would complement the strong language. | Updated(1st) |
Equatorial Guinea | Category 2 | | -Includes estimated costs up until 2050 for awareness-raising and education initiatives. -Improving climate education at all levels is listed as a priority adaptation action. -Improving both formal and non-formal climate education streams are mentioned. | Updated(1st) |
Qatar | Category 2 | | -"Eco school programs" promote environmental education at the primary and secondary level. Part of this includes including climate change content into parts of the curriculum. -The Ministry of Education has created a committee for sustainable development, which oversees integrating climate change awareness into the education system. -Teacher training is included as part of ensuring quality climate education. - | Updated(1st) |
Vanuatu | Category 2 | | -One model school in each province in Vanuatu will implement environmental resilience programmes. -By 2030, 100% of schools in Vanuatu will incorporate climate risk management in implementation plans, requiring 950,000 USD in financing. -Other commitments include integrating sustainable development and related topics at the primary level, as well as more general public education programs. | Updated(1st) |
Category 3 –
Mentions climate education, but without any clear indication as to how it will be implemented
Country | Category | Link | Quick Facts | What NDC is this? (First, second, updated) |
Algeria | Category 3 | | -Mentions the implementation of a national climate change program covering education, training, and research | 1st |
Argentina | Category 3 |ón%20Nacional.pdf | - | Updated(2nd) |
Bahamas | Category 3 | | -The NDC states strengthening the delivery of climate change content in the education system as a goal. -Increasing awareness on locally relevant topics including coral reefs, mangrove forests, and relevant meteorological information is stated as a goal. | 2nd |
Bolivia | Category 3 | | 2nd | |
Brazil | Category 3 | | -Promoting environmental education is one of Brazil's commitments in their NDC. However, not much detail is given about this goal. -The NDC references Brazil's National Plan on Climate Change (Climate Plan), which includes education, training, research, development, and innovation capacity as a transversal strategy. -The NDC mentions that the climate plan will be updated to include education and other sectoral adaptation strategies. | 2nd |
Canada | Category 3 | | -Climate education is only mentioned once - included as a measure to the advance Métis Nation climate leadership. This was proposed by the Métis Nation. | Updated(1st) |
Chile | Category 3 | | -The NDC mentions the importance of promoting climate change education in formal and non-formal settings to empower climate action. -No further plans or commitments are included in the NDC as to how climate education will be integrated. | Updated(1st) |
El Salvador | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Equatorial Guinea | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Eswatini | Category 3 | -Vaguely mentions the importance of public education on climate change to promote awareness on health-related issues. -Discusses the importance of youth involvement in climate change decision-making, but with no connection to furthering climate education policy. | Updated(1st) | |
European Union | Category 3 | | -States the importance of supporting youth engagement in climate change decision-making processes. -Includes mention on the importance of climate education, training, and public awareness raising. -No specific mention of policies or commitments to further climate education. | Updated(1st) |
Georgia | Category 3 | | -The NDC states that climate change education for children and youth will be provided, but no specific policies or commitments are given. | Updated(1st) |
Guinea Bissau | Category 3 | | -Guinea-Bissau's NDC acknowledges their lack of capacity to properly develop and implement climate education policies. -The acknowledgment of difficulties is important, but NDCs should also be ambitious and include some goals, which Guinea-Bissau's lacks in term of climate education. | Updated(1st) |
Honduras | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Indonesia | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Iraq | Category 3 |,Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions%20of%20Iraq%20(NDC).,the%20problem%20of%20climate%20change. | 1st | |
Kyrgyzstan | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Marshall Islands | Category 3 | | Updated(2nd) | |
Mauritania | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Mauritius | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Micronesia | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Mongolia | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Mozambique | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Namibia | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
North Macedonia | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Oman | Category 3 | | Updated(2nd) | |
Panama | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Paraguay | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Peru | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Qatar | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Rwanda | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Sierra Leone | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Singapore | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Somalia | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
South Africa | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Sri Lanka | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
State of Palestine | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Suriname | Category 3 | | 2nd | |
Tajikistan | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Thailand | Category 3 | | Updated(2nd) | |
Togo | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Tunisia | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Türkiye | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Turkmenistan | Category 3 | | 1st | |
Uzbekistan | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Vanuatu | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) | |
Zimbabwe | Category 3 | | Updated(1st) |
Category 4 –
No mention of climate education
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