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Fish Quiz
Fish are Friends, Not Just Food!
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This quiz was last updated in 2022.
How much has the total fish consumption risen from 1990 to 2018?

In 2018, freshwater marine populations are now consumed at 122 percent the rate they were just two decades earlier, a staggering amount. The fishing industry cannot support this trend for much longer.
How many sharks are killed yearly for consumption?

At least 100 million sharks are killed annually for human consumption. Many countries around the world consider sharks, specifically shark fins, a delicacy and that is a main factor that drives this practice. Unfortunately, fishermen often just take their fins, only 1-5% of their body weight, and leave the sharks to die in the ocean. This practice is unsustainable and contributes greatly to the declining populations of marine animals.
What factors lead to overfishing?

All of these factors contribute to overfishing and declining marine populations. The development of better technologies allows for more fish to be caught and harvested. As more people can afford fish, the demand for it has gone up, also contributing to overfishing. With this high demand, the supply of fish is more than can be consumed, resulting in food waste. Furthermore, demand has also increased as more people are becoming aware of this protein source’s health benefits.
How many people worldwide depend on fish as a protein source?

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, around 3.3 billion people worldwide depend on seafood as a key part of their diet. As fishing practices become increasingly unsustainable, they will eventually reach a tipping point and billions of people’s food security will be threatened. It is critical that people begin to practice sustainable fishing in order to ensure that seafood’s critical role in the human diet is protected.
How many tons of seafood ended up on plates in 2018?

Globally, 156 tonnes of seafood was available for human consumption. However, a lot of this likely goes to waste. In the U.S. alone, it is estimated that at least 47% of seafood available for consumption goes to waste, around 2.3 billion pounds. By creating more sustainable seafood consumption habits, this loss can be minimized and the food and economic security of those who rely on seafood can be protected.
True or False: World aquaculture production reached an all-time record high in 2018.

According to The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2020 report, aquaculture production of seafood reached an all time high, amounting to 114.5 million tonnes in live weight. Inland aquaculture supplied 51.3 million tonnes of aquatic animals, accounting for 62.5% of the global production of farmed seafood.
What percent of global fish harvest is lost annually?

Almost 35%, over a third, of fisheries and aquaculture products are wasted worldwide. This waste derives from unsustainable practices and can be mitigated with better fishing practices and policies. Reducing this waste will make this sector more effective, ensuring the economic security of fishermen, the food security of billions, and more humane treatment of these animals.
True or False: Fish are protein sources with one of the smallest impacts on their natural environment.

Unlike many other protein sources, like cattle, fish have a very low impact on their natural environment. If seafood is depleted, humans will have to turn to other protein sources that have a greater effect on the environment. This will only add to the climate crisis and threaten the earth even more.
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