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September 18, 2020
Ten by Earth Day 2021: Creating a clean workforce through the Climate Conservation Corps
EARTHDAY.ORG urges the next Administration to establish the Climate Conservation Corps.
September 3, 2020
Ten by Earth Day 2021: Ensuring clean air for marginalized communities through zero-emission vehicles
EARTHDAY.ORG supports the passage of the Zero-Emission Vehicles Act, a bill that would require the…
August 28, 2020
Ten by Earth Day 2021: Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord strongly backs rejoining the world in the Paris Climate Accord as a necessary first…
August 21, 2020
Ten by Earth Day 2021: Reforest the United States for Carbon Sequestration and Habitat Protection enthusiastically supports large-scale reforestation as a goal for environmental policy in the United States.
August 14, 2020
Ten by Earth Day 2021: Support Regenerative Agriculture to Restore the Planet
Regenerative farming can transform farmers into environmental and societal heroes.
August 7, 2020
Ten by Earth Day 2021: Putting Plastic Pollution in Its Place
Earth Day Network believes we must address the harmful effects of plastics in our environment…
July 31, 2020
Ten by Earth Day 2021: First up, environmental education policy to save the planet
Earth Day Network believes that climate and environmental education needs to be compulsory, tested and…
June 23, 2020
Poor People’s Campaign digital rally highlights the power of voting
"To vote is to be heard."
June 18, 2020
Q&A with executive director of Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington
The world is demanding justice.
June 16, 2020
Together we can close the voter registration gap
There are two Earth Days this year: Earth Day and Election Day.