Conservation and Restoration

The Canopy Project Mount Elgon

Project Summary

The Canopy Project -Soil Stabilization on Mount Elgon

Unfortunately, some areas in the world are facing an uptick of soil erosion which can lead to more frequent landslides, this was the case for farmers on Mount Elgon, Uganda. Due to years of degradation and deforestation, the hillsides of the region have become weak due to lack of trees with a deep root structure to stabilize. EARTHDAY.ORG with its partners have worked to plant better suited trees and educate the farmers on best practices for their land. Projects like this can work to save the lives and livelihoods of these farmers.

image credit: National Parks Worldwide


Mount Elgon, Uganda

Mount Elgon is located on the North-eastern border of Uganda and is the oldest extinct volcano in East Africa. There are 5 major peaks located in the 50-mile diameter of the mountain, and most land sits at roughly 10,000 feet providing a coolness that is not commonly found in this region. 100,000 people rely on Mt. Elgon for their livelihoods and frequent landslides can have detrimental effects. 


Included in the planting on Mount Elgon are red Leucaena (Leucaena diversifolia) and silky oak (Grevillea robusta). The planted red Leucaenas provide soil stabilization that is key to preserving these mountainside habitats and farms with their vast root system. Both species also do well to shade crops such as coffee in which the farmers of the region rely heavily on.  

Farmer Engagement and Education

EARTHDAY.ORG and its partners worked with the local farmers to not just plant these trees but educate them on what trees are best planted where. Training of local farmers included lessons on the Forest Garden Approach (FGA). FGA approach works to improve the planning and mapping of an individual farm to get the best crop yield safely, with a lesser risk of destructive soil erosion.  

Planting Period

August and September

Status: Active

image credit: USGS

Project Contributions

Climate Change Adaptation
Community & Economic Benefits
Biodiversity Conservation
Carbon Sequestration

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