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Add reusable eating utensils to your everyday carry
Many of us live our lives on-the-go these days. In a busy world, we don’t always know where we will be when we eat our next meal.
But the problem with eating on the run is that you can’t turn to your silverware drawer to pull out a fork and knife. Plastic utensils used for eating on the fly are an unnecessary but major source of plastic pollution. What’s more, most plastic utensils can’t be recycled curbside, making it even more important to ditch the single-use plastics.

The good news? This plastic problem can easily be solved with an easy fix — carry a spare set of flatware that you can bring with you in your day-to-day life. Stash one at your desk or office, and keep a set in your backpack or purse — these sets are easy to find and some are even designed specifically to fit easily in your day bag.
Through this act of green, you commit to dedicating a set of reusable eating utensils (and a stainless steel straw, if you need one) to the items you carry every day:
Keys? Check.
Wallet? Check.
Cell phone? Check.
Utensils? Check!